  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Padilla, Rep. Swalwell, Sen. Butler

From: A constituent in Castro Valley, CA

July 11

I have never seen such a feckless group of people such as the Democrats of Congress who continue to back Biden even though it is so obvious that he is incapable of communicating in his campaign, who is supposed to be inspiring people to vote but he can barely get a cogent word out. And you guys are supposed to be defending us against fascism?! If Trump wins, you will have yourselves to blame! I appreciate Biden's policies and what he has done in the past. But if he is unable to communicate, he will be unable to inspire new voters, people who don't normally vote, young people, independent voters. I barely ever see him doing a rally or impromptu interviews and even when he does do an occasional interview of 10 minutes, we don't see his face. He has to be doing these things on a regular basis in a campaign. The signs are so clear that he is unable and unfit to run. It is your job as a representative of California to get him out so that we can have a fair chance and winning this election with an articulate and bold communicator, not one that shies away from the camera. Do your duty!

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