  1. United States
  2. Wisc.
  3. Letter

Support President Biden for reelection

To: Rep. Pocan, Sen. Johnson, Sen. Baldwin

From: A verified voter in Monona, WI

July 19

As one of your constituents in Wisconsin, I would like to express my frustration regarding the current conversations occurring over President Biden. I urge you to stand with who we voted for in the primary election, and therefore best represent us as you promised to do. Right now, any division, such as the one we are currently seeing, is going to only end up costing us the election. Given that the GOP is currently waving "Mass Deportation" signs, this is not an election we can afford to lose. The time to discuss who should be on the ballot is not four months from November. At this point, we all need to stand together behind who has been selected.Even if President Biden is in ill health, Vice President Harris has been at his side for the last four years. There's a trusted cabinet who can get things done.If the last four years have been "good enough" for you to support President Biden, then the next four should be as well. Any chance of changing our nominee at this point will also be stonewalled by the current Supreme Court. You and I both know it, even if we don't want to admit it. As such, I also ask that you stand behind the calls for reform of the Supreme Court. Expand the court to better represent the number of people in our nation, ensure a code of ethics is created and enforced. Men and women who were appointed before I came of age to vote should not still be deciding the direction of our nation. Term limits should be and need to be created for such an important role in our government. Finally, I want to express my sincere desire for a ceasefire in Gaza. We should not be supporting the Israeli government's genocide of Palestinians. If we continue to do so, we are no better than Italy, Russia, and the other Axis powers during World War Two. Thank you for your time.

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