  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter

End your Fealty to the Convicted Felon, Trump

To: Sen. Rubio

From: A verified voter in Saint Petersburg, FL

May 31

“The would-be Trump running mate Marco Rubio shared a video this afternoon on X, comparing American justice to a Castro show trial. The slur is all the more shameful because Rubio has himself forcefully condemned Trump. ‘He is a con artist,’ Rubio said during the 2016 nomination contest. ‘He runs on this idea he is fighting for the little guy, but he has spent his entire career sticking it to the little guy—his entire career.’ Rubio specifically cited the Trump University scheme as one of Trump’s cons. In 2018, Trump reached a $25 million settlement with people who had enrolled in the courses it offered. Eight years later, Rubio has attacked a court, a jury, and the whole U.S. system of justice for proving the truth of his words.” - David Frum, The Atlantic Please stop embarrassing our state and yourself.

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