Require FDA CVM to respond to reports of pet deaths due to pet food
  1. United States
  2. Minn.
  3. Letter

Require FDA CVM to respond to reports of pet deaths due to pet food

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Smith, Sen. Klobuchar, Rep. McCollum

From: A constituent in Saint Paul, MN

April 22

I am requesting you to require FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) to publicly respond to a petition (Docket ID FDA-2024-P-1916-0001) concerning issues of pet food killing pets, dogs and cats. See Almost 3,000 reports of pet illness, 500 pet deaths, and related human illness are under investigation. Reports of serious pet illness and death started in December 2023, believed to be linked to multiple pet food brands. The FDA is not responding to pet owners, refusing to even provide Freedom of Information Act requests (for more information). FDA is not publishing the results of investigation. FDA is not responding to FOIA requests. Please ask the FDA to respond immediately to our concerns. We need to know what brands and/or ingredients are suspected so we can make informed choices about how to feed our pets. If the pet food industry is hiding this information from us it must be investigated. I remind you that a few years back pets were dying because of counterfeit ingredients provided by China. I lost a dog at that time. I don't know if this is related or a totally new problem, but we need information as soon as possible. Americans rely on the FDA to verify the safety of our food and our pets' food. I believe that the FDA must be held accountable if it is hiding industry malfeasance from Americans. But I also believe Congress must be held accountable if you refuse to give them the money to do the job.

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