  1. United States
  2. Letter

Cease fire

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Pottstown, PA

May 8

I voted, proudly and hopefully for each of you. Now, in an election year I am afraid and ashamed. Ashamed of the genocide happening not only in the Congo, but Gaza as well continues. We as democrats are on the wrong side of history with Israel. I am appalled by what I see everyday. Even though I hate it, I will vote to re-elect all of you. What frightens me is that it might not matter. Many Democrats & undecideds are going to abstain from voting because they share my sentiments. What will happen then? Trump back in office? That makes me very, very afraid. Please, please listen to your constituents. It is time to stop Israel. There must be a cease fire & there must be a plan to help the people of Gaza live with peace in their lives.

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