  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

Oppose overreaching H.R. 9495 to safeguard civil liberties

To: Sen. Bennet, Sen. Hickenlooper, Rep. Crow

From: A verified voter in Aurora, CO

November 12

The Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act's provisions allowing the Treasury Department to unilaterally strip non-profit designation from groups it deems "terrorist supporting" with no justification or evidence required poses an existential threat to foundational First Amendment freedoms of speech and association. Organizations championing civil liberties like the ACLU could be targeted and destroyed by the government without due process. Unchecked authority to revoke non-profit status based on unsubstantiated claims demolishes constitutional protections and erodes core democratic values. Voting against this dangerously overbroad bill is imperative to preserve American civil liberties.

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