  1. United States
  2. Ill.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. LaHood

From: A constituent in Peoria, IL

June 6

I am a constituent and am writing to urge you to focus on ANY work beyond defending former President Donald Trump. Stop creating legislation focused on his trial/s. Stop holding up the work in Congress. Please help your colleagues in the House get over this obsession with him and let our court system work. Please do the work citizens voted you to do…help build a more progressive society where we are actually moving into the future. Healthcare access, better Healthcare, mental health services, reform the prison system, repair roads, bridges, support teachers and schools, lovable wages and curb the greed of corporations. Get to work! You and this group of Representatives have done nothing for this country. Stop focusing on a corrupt and morally questionable man. Mr. Trump is not worth your time or energy or reputation.

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