  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Saint Peters, MO

May 7

I'm writing to urge you to use your authority as the President to demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and for humanitarian aid to be allowed unfettered into the region. The beginning ground assault on Rafah is a humanitarian disaster in the making and as an ally and financial backer to Israel, the U.S. has the ability to pressure the Israeli government to stop the onslaught through withholding, or even threatening to withhold military sales and monetary support. Israel is proceeding into a small area with roughly a million civilians, including 600,00 CHILDREN. The refugees are being told to evacuate the last place in Gaza with any sort of shelter or aid in place and are being shunted into areas that aid organizations say cannot support them. They are also being driven out of their homeland and into Egypt for fear of indiscriminate bombing. That is if they can pay to cross or are not an able bodied man, many of whom are being held back from fleeing with their families. This is an atrocity in the making. A massacre that you can help to stop. As a conscientious American I implore you, I beg on behalf of the people of Gaza, to do more to stop this. What good is having moral authority and economic leverage if you refuse to use it? The children of Gaza are living through the worst possible reality. They are being starved. Bombed. Orphaned. Disabled. Martyred. We have more power to stop this. YOU have more power to stop this. Use it.

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