  1. United States
  2. N.J.
  3. Letter

the vast disappointment of every vote Donald Norcross casts: a novel

To: Sen. Booker, Sen. Helmy, Rep. Norcross

From: A constituent in Pitman, NJ

November 13

I’m deeply disappointed to see that Donald Norcross votes for HR 9495. This bill would give the incoming Republican administration carte blanche to defund and or disband non profits nationwide. Norcross’ leadership is exactly the kind of toe the line, generationally elite, backroom deals, corporate interests Democratic BAU politic that just lost us a presidential election. THIS IS WHY NEW JERSEY ALMOST FLIPPED RED DONALD. If democrats nationally don’t wise up and start actually making decisions that benefit working people’s bottom lines instead of siding with corporations quietly while they show up for progressive coded photo ops we will continue to LOSE ELECTIONS. Deeply disappointed in you Norcross. And I see you Booker. I see you doing the same thing.

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