  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Chicago, IL

April 29

“The International Criminal Court in the Hague is preparing to issue arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials,including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on charges related to the war against Hamas in Gaza, according to reports from Israeli and international media. Israeli and foreign officials told The New York Timesthe ICC is also considering arrest warrants for Hamas leaders. NPR's Peter Kenyon tells Up First that if the ICC does issue these warrants, it would be the first time it has issued warrants against any Israeli official. Under a warrant, the ICC's member states would be expected to arrest and hand over the defendants ( to the Hague should they enter their territories. Kenyon says the organizati on could issue the warrants this week. Israel and the U.S. are reportedly calling on ICC prosecutor Karim Khan to hold off or decide against it.” Your continued path of hugging Bibi is going to cost you the election. Why are you defending him? He doesn’t want you to be reelected. He would prefer Trump. Besides that, Bibi and his ilk have actively called for killing all Palestinians and yet you continue to support him and the IDF. You and Blinken, among others in your administration, talk of needing an investigation to determine whether genocide is being committed. Hello? The ICC has determined the allegations are credible. The whole world can see it. Yet the unsubstantiated lies Bibi told about a few UNWRA employees led to you pulling funding. Despicable. No more money and support for Israel. Period. Permanent cease fire now.

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