  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Reject discriminatory restroom policy for students

To: Sen. Sundareshan

From: A constituent in Tucson, AZ

June 8

This proposed legislation, SCR1013, would mandate that schools separate restroom and sleeping facilities based solely on biological sex assigned at birth. Such policies discriminate against transgender and non-binary students, denying them equal access to facilities aligned with their gender identity. Numerous studies have shown that allowing individuals to use facilities matching their identity does not pose any threat, while discrimination leads to increased harassment and violence against an already vulnerable population. Rather than creating solutions, bathroom bills increase danger for all students by fostering an environment of exclusion, stigma, and fear. They contradict guidelines from major education and health organizations aimed at providing safe, supportive environments for all students to learn and thrive. This bill's provisions would make schools hostile places for LGBTQ+ youth. I implore you to reject SCR1013 and any other discriminatory measures targeting transgender and non-binary students. All students deserve to feel welcome, respected, and able to fully participate regardless of gender identity or expression. Prioritizing an inclusive school climate benefits the entire community and upholds the equal rights our laws are meant to protect.

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