  1. United States
  2. Mo.
  3. Letter

Safeguard civil liberties in anti-terror tax legislation

To: Rep. Luetkemeyer

From: A verified voter in Eldon, MO

November 21

The proposed Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act raises significant concerns about due process and the potential for overreach in targeting tax-exempt organizations. While the intent may be to combat terrorism financing, the broad language could impact a wide range of groups, including non-profits, universities, and media outlets, without sufficient transparency or procedural protections. Granting expansive authority to designate organizations as "terrorist supporting" based on a low evidentiary standard and revoke their tax-exempt status through an opaque administrative process is deeply troubling. This could chill free speech, dissent, and legitimate advocacy work. Due process safeguards, like judicial review and clear evidentiary requirements, are essential to prevent abuse of such powers. I urge you to carefully examine the potential consequences on civil liberties and constitutional rights. Measures to combat terrorism must be balanced against preserving fundamental freedoms that define our democratic society. Please consider amendments to address the due process deficiencies and protect law-abiding tax-exempt entities from undue government overreach before advancing this legislation.

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