  1. United States
  2. Okla.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Lankford, Rep. Hern, Sen. Mullin

From: A constituent in Tulsa, OK

September 22

The scheduled execution of Marcellus Williams on September 24th is a grave injustice that must be stopped. New DNA evidence proves Williams' innocence, and even the St. Louis County prosecutor has acknowledged this exculpatory evidence warrants vacating Williams' conviction. Despite this, the Missouri Supreme Court has callously set an execution date before any court could properly consider the proof of Williams' innocence. We cannot allow an innocent life to be taken by the state. This egregious violation of justice demands immediate action to halt Williams' execution and provide him a fair opportunity to have the new DNA evidence fully examined. Proceeding with this execution would be an unconscionable dereliction of our legal system's fundamental duty to protect the innocent.

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