- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: V.P. Harris
From: A verified voter in Apex, NC
October 14, 2024
My top priority in the 2024 election is a permanent ceasefire in Palestine. The Israeli apartheid of Palestine must end. he genocide they continue to commit in Palestine and now Lebanon. Palestine must be rebuilt and all land stolen from them by Israel must be returned. Additionally, the government of Israel must be held accountable for t It is ridiculous that the entire world sees that the US continues to support Israel, condemns it , and yet the US continues to use taxpayer money, agains t what the majority of Americans want. This all needs to end. Ceasefire now, free Palestine now, and end support to Israel. If you are elected, Americans actually have needs that must be met. Codify Roe - this should be top priority. LGBTQ folks, especially trans people of all ages, need to feel safe and protected. Big business needs to be regulated. The top 1% shouldn't have such influence over our government.