  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Murray, Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez, Sen. Cantwell

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27

The hourglass turns over and flashbacks of numbing realities gather in the folds of our minds - the innocent children, the distraught elders, the wailing mother, lost and helpless, all caught in a harrowing dance between life and death. These are not just reports filtering through our screens, these represent a heartbreaking reality of the Palestinian existence. A reality that we are collectively responsible for, as our taxes fuel the war machinery and our silence endorses the manifest injustices being perpetrated. We must not forget - these are not just casualties of war, these are crimes against humanity, and need to be addressed as such. As a citizen of the United States, I hang my head in shame as our great nation funds a conflict where human rights are trampled and the sanctity of life is wantonly desecrated. It wrenches my soul to be a silent observer, to see our tax dollars be poured into the endless well of this conflict, our money enabling the indescribable loss of human lives, the destruction of homes, the rain of terror on unspeakable innocents. We have to ask ourselves, is this the legacy we want to leave behind? A legacy of conflict and violence, of perpetuating an infernal cycle of hate and recklessness? It requires immediate action, a conscious decision to end the support for the weapons that fire into innocents, to stop the unchecked funding that only furthers the horrors witnessed by humanity. On my citizens’ behalf, I demand an immediate ceasefire, an end to the funding of a conflict that has claimed so many lives and destroyed many more. This is not a plea - this is an intervention, a desperate call for sanity and humanity. We cannot, in good conscience, continue to be silent observers while such egregious acts are carried out using resources we have provided. Let’s stand for justice and peace and against crimes against humanity because that is what our great nation is about—defending the defenseless, not aiding their oppressors.

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