  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Please Pass KOSA (S.2073)

To: Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla

From: A verified voter in San Jose, CA

July 24

I am reaching out in support of the Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act (S.2073). The Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act is a vital pieces of legislation that would help safeguard America’s children and adolescents from the dangerous practices of social media platforms. All too often, these platforms use special design features to push harmful content to young users. This bill will provide families with the tools, safeguards, and transparency they need to protect against threats to children’s health and well-being online. Social media companies must be held accountable now as the very real harms of social media are impacting our children today. As your constituent, I strongly urge you and the entire U.S. Senate to pass the Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act immediately. Thank you for considering my request.

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