  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: V.P. Harris

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27

Ignoring the anguish and suffering of countless civilians is not an option we can afford. The unremitting turmoil engulfing Israel and Palestine has been fueled by unjust practices that cause immeasurable harm and decry the idea of human rights beyond comprehension. The financial aid sent to Israel by the United States, whilst it may have originally been intended for defense and security, has been used in ways that contradict the universal principle of human dignity. Using funds and arms handed over by the U.S., Israel has perpetrated crimes against humanity, specifically targeting Palestinians who are desperately seeking safety and security on their own land. Families have lost their loved ones, homes have been reduced to rubble, and innocent children have been caught in the crossfire, breaking the normally inviolable rules of warfare. This blatant disregard for human rights shakes the very foundations of our collective conscience and should be viewed as intolerable by all stakeholders who claim to uphold the rights of individuals regardless of their race, religion or nationality. Passion and politics aside, the center of this deadly conflict is the value we place on human life. The urgency to cease funding these actions that fuel violence must be felt now more than ever. As pioneers of justice, freedom, and equality, the legitimization of such inhumane acts by retaining the flow of financial and military aid must be terminated immediately. This is not a fraction of the world's problem, this is a call for humanity that leaves no room for selective empathy or patience. It is high time to act, not out of religious or political beliefs, but as torchbearers of human rights and peace.

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