An open letter to Sen. Campbell, Gov. Lee, Rep. Mitchell.
  1. United States
  2. Tenn.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Campbell, Gov. Lee, Rep. Mitchell

From: A verified voter in Nashville, TN

April 26

I'm just appalled that you signed the teachers and staff can concealed carry loaded firearms in public / private schools. What are you thinking!? The push back from teachers, school boards, law enforcement, and the general public has been load and clear: This law is one of the stupidest pieces of legislation to come out of the TN legislature in years. You could have paid attention to what your constituents were / are saying and vetoed the law, like a rational governor who cared about the citizens of his state would have done. Yet, you chose to pander to the gun lobby, the firearm manufacturers that you've lured to TN and the radical right wing GOP legislators who introduced this bill and who voted to pass it into law. How disgusting! Not just your signing of the law, but their action to even send it to your desk. Your obvious inability to see your constituents and hear what they are saying is a wonder to behold. Thankfully, Davidson County / Metro Nashville schools will not institute this policy. I appears to me (and many others) that you can't see the forest for the trees, Governor. Sanctioning concealed carry of loaded firearms in schools by educators with little training on the use of these weapons and NO experience confronting an armed intruder, let alone firing a weapon against that intruder, is asking for an incident that would likely harm someone other than the intruder. I sincerely hope no teacher, janitor, principal, secretary or other school staff member decides they are qualified to perform as an armed security person in a TN school. The long and short of it, Governor, is that it's apparent you value your relationship with the gun lobby and your GOP colleagues more than you value the safety and lives of TN teachers, staff, and students. This is the absolute worst thing (and there's a long list) of bad things you've done as Governor. I honestly think you've lost touch with reality and that you are incapable of putting yourself in the shoes of your constituents. I can't wait for you to leave office! doen

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