Condemn violence against Gaza aid convoys, ensure safe passage
  1. United States
  2. Letter

Condemn violence against Gaza aid convoys, ensure safe passage

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in West Newton, MA

May 27

The recent escalation of attacks by far-right Israeli settlers on aid trucks bound for Gaza is unacceptable and a clear violation of humanitarian principles. These brazen acts of sabotage and violence directed at relief convoys carrying essential food supplies are exacerbating the already dire situation in Gaza, where millions face food insecurity and famine conditions. The deliberate obstruction and destruction of humanitarian aid is a grave breach of international law and must be condemned in the strongest terms. While deeply concerning, these reprehensible actions by extremist groups are sadly not unprecedented. The settler movement has a long history of employing intimidation tactics and perpetrating acts of violence against Palestinians and international aid workers. However, the current scale and coordination of these assaults, facilitated through public messaging apps, represent a dangerous escalation that demands immediate and decisive action. It is imperative that the Israeli government take all necessary measures to protect humanitarian aid convoys and ensure the safe passage of relief supplies to Gaza. Failing to address this issue will not only further imperil the vulnerable population in the besieged enclave but also undermine Israel's international standing and erode respect for the rule of law. Concrete steps must be taken to dismantle the organized networks enabling these attacks and to hold accountable those responsible for these criminal acts.

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