  1. United States
  2. La.
  3. Letter

Pass some sort of law that ends the clock change.

To: Sen. Kennedy, Rep. Carter, Sen. Cassidy

From: A verified voter in New Orleans, LA

November 1

The biannual change to daylight saving time is an antiquated practice that brings more disruption than benefit in the modern era. Studies show the clock shifts negatively impact human health, productivity, and safety with effects like increased workplace injuries, car accidents, and health issues caused by the abrupt change in sleep patterns. The time transition also fails to provide meaningful energy savings given current lighting and heating technologies. In the interest of public well-being and efficiency, it is time to end the disruptive ritual of changing clocks twice a year. Rather than continuing this practice, daylight saving time should be locked year-round to provide consistency and avoid the downsides of the biannual clock adjustments. Numerous medical groups, safety organizations, and legislation in some states already support locking the clocks. Maintaining consistent time aligns with health recommendations and modernization efforts.

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