  1. United States
  2. Neb.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Flood

From: A constituent in Lincoln, NE

November 11

This legislation poses a serious threat to free speech and the ability of nonprofit organizations to advocate for important causes. It would grant the Treasury Department sweeping authority to revoke the tax-exempt status of any group labeled a "terrorist-supporting organization," without clear definitions or due process. This vague terminology could be misused to target organizations working on issues like Palestinian rights, reproductive rights, environmental protection, and more - effectively silencing dissent on critical issues. Revoking an organization's tax-exempt status is a severe punishment that could cripple its operations and ability to fundraise, merely for taking controversial but constitutionally-protected positions. This chilling effect on free speech is unacceptable in a democracy. I urge you to reject this legislation and any attempts to stifle the vital work of advocacy groups and nonprofits through overreaching government power. Protecting robust debate and the rights of organizations to freely express their views is essential for a healthy civil society.

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