  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Eugene, OR

July 3

This is bigger than you, please step aside. It is your choice, do you choose what is best for the country or yourself? I am a life long democrat, I am a veteran, I support you but you will not win and someone needs to beat Trump. You have a highly unpopular VP, your performance in the public eye is less than encouraging. You should nominate Gavin Newsom, he is the only one that can put Trump in his place. If you refuse to be the bigger man and refuse to acknowledge this is out of your grasp, this will stain your legacy and your career. If you stay in this race and lose, we all lose. Democracy loses as well as everything you’ve worked for you whole life. Respectfully, step aside.

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