Ceasefire now
  1. United States
  2. Ind.
  3. Letter

Ceasefire now

To: Sen. Braun, Sen. Young, Rep. Spartz

From: A constituent in Carmel, IN

April 11

The move to ban funding for the UNRWA is reprehensible. The people of Gaza are already facing constant bombardment, terrorism from the IDF, murder and forced starvation. What the us has allowed and continues to allow Israel to do makes you not only complicit but an active participant in this genocide. The starvation and dire lack of resources on Gaza could be stopped easily of the US would only stop funding Israel's genocide and force them to allow aid in. The aid is already there it's just stopped at the border! The UNRWA is one of the biggest sources of aid to so many innocent people, people who have been forced out of their homes, forced to watch their friends, family, and children die. I have watched drone footage of the IDF bombing innocent unarmed civilians, and then bombing the people who survived and were fleeing the initial bombing. Stop funding Israel's slaughter, let the aid in. Ceasefire now. Free Palestine.

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