  1. United States
  2. N.C.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. McHenry, Sen. Budd, Sen. Tillis

From: A verified voter in Mooresville, NC

September 23

e to buy a few, says he doesn't care about abortion but that he'd like to see the sex tape, says he enjoys transgender porn... and SO MUCH MORE; all of t his and no Republican in North Carolina speaks out? This is outrageous and tells the world all it needs to know about the North Carolina Republican party courage... speak out!!! . You all are shameless. Call on Mark Robinson to step down immediately! What happened to values and ethics in NC? We can be better than this. Show some Our lieutenant governor makes appalling and crude comments on porn sites- calls himself a Black Nazi, says slavery should be reinstated and that he'd lik

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