  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27

With a heart burdened by the senseless loss of lives, and eyes filled with images of dread and destruction, it becomes impossible to comprehend how the very country preaching peace, unity, and human right can continue financing a war that directly contradicts these noble principles. The U.S. funding of Israel’s military is not just financial support; it is the fuel that keeps the engine of this unending conflict running. It enables the continuance of actions against Palestinian civilians and breeds a culture of violence, rather than paving the way for dialogue and compromise. It is atrociously unsettling how the world’s beacon of democracy is emboldening a conflict that has led to utter disregard for human life, inflicting severe harm on civilians, and substantially violating their rights. This is not just a grave disregard for the values that the United States of America was built upon, but it is also an implicit endorsement of the ongoing war crimes. By continuing to send arms to Israel, the U.S. is inevitably partaking in the escalation of violent hostilities. It is time for a radical reassessment of Washington’s foreign policy. It would be considerably more beneficial, both morally and strategically, to divert the billions currently devoted to arms and instead invest in fostering peace, prosperity, providing humanitarian assistance, and promoting coexistence. America should lead the world in holding itself to a higher standard, affirming its commitment to human rights and pressing for an immediate cease-fire. The lives of countless innocent individuals are in the balance - they deserve more than to be victims of political power play, they deserve peace.

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