  1. United States
  2. Letter

Condemnation of Statement on Protests Against Palestinian Genocide

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Lynbrook, NY

July 25

I am writing to express my profound indignation regarding your recent statement condemning the protests against the ongoing genocide in Palestine. To label these protests as disgraceful is not only a gross mischaracterization but an affront to those standing up against systemic injustice and human rights violations. What is truly disgraceful is the platform given to a war criminal with pending arrest warrants to address Congress, coupled with the false claim that there are practically no civilian deaths in this brutal conflict. Such statements are not only misleading but dangerously dismissive of the real and tragic loss of innocent lives. The protests today were restrained compared to the potential response if the Palestinian genocide continues unabated. The resolve to Free Palestine by any means necessary is a testament to the international community’s commitment to justice and human rights. I urge you to reconsider your stance and to recognize the legitimacy of these protests as a critical part of the democratic process and a necessary stand against egregious human rights abuses.

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