- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: V.P. Harris
From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA
August 27, 2024
VICE I write to you today with a heart heavy with worry and an urgency to end violent actions that shatter countless innocent lives. It is high time we bring an end to the funding of conflict and reconsider the disturbing reality; the U.S. funding of Israel's actions against Palestinian civilians – mothers, daughters, sons who bear no fault – and the indifferent sending of firearms to perpetuate this horrifying scene.
This is a call for action, for decency and humanity. Not as a faceless, disinterested critic, but as one of the ordinary citizens you represent. We must not continue to support these blatant crimes against humanity under the guise of diplomacy or strategic alliances. It is not political leverage that is lost with every bomb dropped or bullet fired; it is human life. Innocent men, women, and children are teetering on the fine line between life and death each passing second we fail to act. It is a perpetual cycle of atrocities, one that we have the power to halt.
We extend our pleas for a ceasefire, for peace, and for empathy. Admitting the role played in funding this grotesque dance of devastation is the first step to absolution, to affect a change that goes beyond borders and ethnicities, reaching straight into the essence of our shared humanity. It is not a battle of nations, it is a fight for humanity. Understand this, act on this, and together, let's carve a path towards peace and justice.