  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Urgent Appeal for Consistency in Upholding Protest Rights and Human Dignity

To: Sen. Schumer

From: A verified voter in Lynbrook, NY

July 23

I am writing to you with a sense of urgency and deep concern regarding your recent statement on the situation in Bangladesh. Your condemnation of the violent repression of student protests and your recognition of the right to peaceably assemble as a cornerstone of a democratic society is commendable. However, I am compelled to ask whether you extend the same sentiment to the millions of American students protesting against the ongoing Palestinian genocide, a crisis in which you are complicit. The brutalization of students and peaceful protesters by police, aggressive Zionist groups, the Proud Boys, and the terrorist organization known as the Jewish Defense League is a grave violation of democratic principles. Your silence on these issues is deeply troubling. Are you prepared to seek retribution and find your humanity by standing against the slaughter of Palestinians? Will you speak up about the brutalization of students and peaceful protesters right here in America? Your position as a leader in our government affords you significant influence. It is imperative that you use this influence to advocate for justice and human rights, both domestically and internationally. The right to peaceably assemble and protest must be upheld universally, and the violent repression of these rights must be condemned unequivocally. I urge you to take a public stand against the violent repression of American students protesting for Palestinian rights. It is time for you to align your actions with your words and demonstrate your commitment to democratic principles and human dignity.

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