In my humble opinion
  1. United States
  2. Letter

In my humble opinion

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Huntington, TX

May 30

I think you have done and are doing a kick butt job as president! I really appreciate you. I’m so proud that we have an adult in the oval! But there are a couple things that I would like to offer my two cents on. First is I think not letting Ukraine attack Russian troops/bases/weaponry within Russia is really shackling them. They need to be able to defend themselves and go after that horrid onslaught from that egregious dictator! My other thing is I do not like our money going to Israel and then Israel funds Hamas. I think that’s outrageous. And until they change their tactics, I think we need to hold off on support. Just my thoughts. I know it’s a conundrum for you. But that’s what I think. Netanyahu is running this egregious war to save his own skin. And I don’t like us being caught up in it. I know we have to support Israel, and I do support Israel. But I don’t support Netanyahu and the way he’s conducting business. Keep up the good work. I am one of your cheerleaders. Just a poor social worker in deep East Texas. God bless you and God bless your beautiful family and God bless the USA. And may God keep us all safe and bless our troops. I pray for you all the time.

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