  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Cantwell, Sen. Murray

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

December 6

I am your constituent and I just learned that Trump’s pick to lead the FBI promoted Warrior Essentials anti COVID vaccine supplement. There is ZERO EVIDENCE IT WORKS and Patel promoting on line shows he is an anti vaxxer. Anti vaxxers are not following evidence - they jump to conclusions. Let me remind you that the FBI MUST FOLLOW EVIDENCE to do their job. It is possible that he just did this for money. If that’s the case spreading disinformation and lies for money should also disqualify him from leading and evidence based organization like the FBI. Either way DO NOT CONFIRM HIM TO LEAD THE FBI. Oh, one more thing. DO NOT RECESS and allow Trump to make acting appointments without your approval. Thank you. P.S. Here is the NBC reference news story for you - .“

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