  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27

Every day brings fresh news of another heart-wrenching incident of violence and bloodshed, innocent lives lost, homes reduced to rubble, schools turned to graveyards, and hospitals laid to waste. Millions are held hostage to the merciless show of power and dominance, their lives hanging by a thin thread, one that frays a little more with each passing moment - and the world merely gazes on, seemingly unaffected. It tears at the very core of human conscience that a substantial amount of U.S. taxpayer money goes into supporting actions that only fan the flames of this endless war, into building the very weapons that rain down death and destruction on Palestine. Who benefits from this unceasing violence, the cycle of attack and counterattack? Certainly not the ordinary people caught in the crossfire, their lives irrevocably scarred by the horrors they have witnessed and the losses they must bear. Certainly not humanity, which is diminished every time a child loses their innocence to the smoke-filled streets of their war-torn homeland or a mother grieves for her slain child in a quiet hospital corner. Yet, the United States continues to finance Israel's charged actions against Palestinian civilians. By equipping Israel with arms, is the U.S. not rekindling the very flames it ought to douse? The time to halt this ceaseless barrage right financed by U.S. dollars. The demand - nay, the plea - is simple: a cessation of arms supplies and funding that directly contributes to human suffering. The very practices currently being undertaken are nothing short of crimes against humanity, and it is with a heavy heart and a desperate hope for change that this issue is made plain. Only by extinguishing the current means of funding and arming conflict can we hope to pave the way for a future where Palestinian children can sleep without fear, where their parents can dream without dread. Ignite the change now, before it's too late. Witnessing the violation of human rights is tragic, funding it is unforgivable. Stand up for humanity, for peace, for justice. Withdraw U.S. funding, cease the armament supply, and let us steer the course of history towards peace.

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