  1. United States
  2. Letter

Thank you for your service. Please withdraw.

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Oxford, CT

July 3

First of all, thank you for being our President. In 2020 it was important that you ran so you could lead the country out of the pandemic, and return decency to the Office of the President. I wholeheartedly supported you. The policies you’ve implemented and legislation you’ve passed make us a better country. Thank you for returning our country to normalcy. I still support you. However, I must ask you to step aside and let someone else take the baton forward in 2024. Please withdraw from the race. Too many people are on the fence who don’t understand what a risk Trump is, will vote for him and not you, because of your age and his perceived strength. By withdrawing we can eliminate a lot of the Republican whataboutism talking points such as your age, Hunter, weaponizing the Department of Justice, the economy, the border, etc. They’re using those points, right or wrong, to make Trump look like a not so bad alternative. I know it’s ridiculous for anyone who looks at facts. But we’re not in a fact based race. We need someone new who people can coalesce around and non-maga republicans can vote for. I’m sorry to say that it’s not you. After withdrawing you can focus on your legacy. Get things done as a lame duck President, and take the heat for the new Democratic nominee so they can shine. As a leader there’s the saying to take the blame and give the credit. You can do that in order to assure the win of a Democrat for President. I think this will help down the ticket in the House and Senate races. Please be the man you are known to be, who puts his country first, over pride and ambition. By stepping down, supporting the chosen candidate, you can save our country again. They’ll win. Thank you for your service.

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