  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Vote NO on HR6408 and S4136

To: Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla

From: A verified voter in San Francisco, CA

May 13

And am writing over concern of the upcoming vote on H.R. 6408 and S.4136 I urge you to vote against these two bills threatening the status of 501c3s. As an accountant working with these organizations, I am acutely aware of the long list of guidelines already in place to ensure ethics and fair use of the 501c3 classifications. To approve these bills to allow a third party to bypass these guidelines with impunity would be an outright catastrophe. These organizations often exist to bridge the gap between societal needs and government shortcomings, to threaten these bridges only mean further punishing underrepresented communities. I strongly urge that you vote NO on both bills.

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