  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Gorham, ME

July 23

Mr. President, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your selfless decision to step down from the 2024 presidential campaign. It was the hardest thing to ask of a sitting president. You listened to members of your party and chose to make a hard decision that will help the party re-energize, helping us gain seats in Congress, gain influence in local government, and push Trump and his cronies out of the political sphere for good. You have an extraordinary record in public service, accomplishing more in the last four years than most presidents accomplish in eight. On top of that, you will be remembered as a hero for making this decision. Look at the donations that have piled up in the past couple of days! Voters are enthusiastically embracing Kamala Harris as a formidable opponent to Trump’s political machine. Thank you for making this happen.

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