  1. United States
  2. N.J.
  3. Letter

Block $20 Billion Arms Sale to Israel or You Will LOSE My Vote

To: Sen. Booker, Rep. Gottheimer, Sen. Helmy

From: A verified voter in Glen Rock, NJ

September 30

As your constituent, I urge you to support Senator Bernie Sanders efforts to block further U.S. Arms Sales or Aid to Israel.. Israel has violated international law and the Geneva Convention countless times and the U.S. has been complicit in these human rights violations thus far. Please support blocking the $20 billion arms sale to Israel. I do not want my tax dollars going toward what has been unequivocally categorized by interna tional courts and scholars as a genocide. g further support WILL lose you my vote. This is an issue that will determine my willingness to give you my vote in the upcoming election. Any further support for Israel or negligence in blockin

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