  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez, Sen. Murray, Sen. Cantwell

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

December 26, 2024

“I am your constituent and I understand that the new administration wants to allow states to implement work requirements for Medicaid. The Commonwealth Fund and the Kaiser Family Foundation have both analyzed the states that have tried it and found that it does not put people to work and costs states more money. Pretty much everyone who can work is working. But many of those low wage jobs do not include health insurance. When you take away the insurance those people become sicker and then unable to work, The Congressional Budget Office estimates that hundreds of thousands will lose health insurance too. What we need is universal health insurance not a fake bureaucratic programs to deny insurance and waste money. I want you to remember that when people have health insurance it is easier for them to work and stay at work. When they lose health insurance and become ill they lose that opportunity to work. DO NOT ALLOW STATES TO IMPLEMENT A WORK REQUIREMENT FOR MEDICAID. This is a backhanded way to keep the poor from having health insurance rather than a way to get people to work. Of course, the best answer is really universal health insurance that costs less and covers everyone, like our 35 industrialized peer nations have. Thank you.” Here are the analyses I mentioned CBO report on Medicaid Work Requirements ⁦⁩ Commonwealth Fund Analysis of Medicaid Work Requirements, ⁦⁩ Kaiser Family Foundation Report of Medicaid Work Requirements,⁦⁩

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