  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Rubio, Sen. Scott, Rep. Posey

From: A verified voter in Indian Harbour Beach, FL

August 12, 2024

Good afternoon - There are suggestions that our votes could be in jeopardy if operatives are in place to refuse certification [see below as one example] I'm curious if We The People can petition Congress to ensure EVERY polling station in EVERY state has the same rules and regulations. And perhaps, more importantly, that there are penalties [ie felony charges] if there are efforts to subvert the democratic process. Georgia polling stations have had legal changes made that could potentially do exactly that. I don't know what I can do without a platform, but I would be willing to sign a petition for universal polling station legislation to prevent delays in electing our representatives in November. Perhaps an executive order is necessary

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