- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: Pres. Biden
From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA
August 28, 2024
Every breath I take is burdened with the heavy weight of the oppressive images and news that flood our screens daily. The scenes of bombed homes, grieving mothers clutching innocently shelled children, and old men bereft of their lifelong dwellings render me bereft of peace. The Israeli government has subjected the Palestinian civilians to unbearable atrocities in the name of defense, a constant human rights violation that the world seems content to watch unblinkingly. Yet, the bitter truth that stings in my chest is not just the continuation of these crimes against humanity, but the fact that we, the citizens of the United States, are partially funding this relentless assault.
Our government's constant financial aid to Israel and the provision of arms, that are subsequently used against innocent Palestinians, make us inadvertent participants in this brutal spillover. Our hard-earned tax dollars are literally fuelling a perpetual machine of war and devastation that threatens to swallow an entire generation of Palestinians into its bleak abyss. It is hard to fathom how the funds that could potentially uplift our own society are instead diverting to support an entity that is systematically marginalizing and eradicating another.
We cannot stand idly by while our resources push the relentless wheel of oppression against Palestinians. This is a call to cease all funding of military engagement and arms provision for Israel, a demand for an immediate cessation of these relentless attacks. We must be more than closers of our wallets, we must open our consciences, insisting on peace, diplomacy, and respect for the lives and rights of the Palestinian people. Let us become a force for healing, not harm. There is an urgent necessity for an immediate ceasefire. This must happen now, before the term 'humanity' loses all its essence and meaning.