  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Cornyn

From: A verified voter in Austin, TX

July 4

Please, make a formal statement that you abhor and condemn Project2025 in its entirety and all of its backers as well. Whether you have had previous allegiances with them in the past or not. They have gone too far and any compromise for their support is unconscionable. Their ever shrinking extremist base is not worth it and the GOP must split from their ilk to survive and with it the very existence of the United States. And I do believe we are best served by people of good conscience in both parties. Our democracy has never been at greater risk and we need to know that despite our differences that you stand to uphold our nation’s ideals and not theirs. The vast majority of the people in these United States do and will reject their planned form of governance in any amount or degree. And even in the event they do hold minority rule, history should inform you it will not be for long. Where will our coming history place your name on that list?

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