- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: V.P. Harris
From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA
August 27, 2024
Fellow human, my heart is in great anguish as I pen these words filled with desperation and hope. Dire circumstances require direct appeals so, without a veil of pleasantries, articulating the grim reality becomes an obligation. The unimaginable sufferings of humanity, specifically the recurrent conflicts between Israel and Palestine, beg for a ceasefire. Each news of casualties from these warzones is a nail in the coffin of humanity – a direct consequence of relentless supply of arms, a portion of which the United States generously provides.
This is not a plea against a nation, its policies, or its citizens; it’s a plea for life, for humanity, and for justice. It's a plea to halt the machinery of war, to eradicate the atrocities being committed under the banner of self-defense and superiority. When weapons funded by U.S. tax dollars see no distinction between a militant and a civilian, a child and an armed soldier, the line between self-defense and crime blurs. If war begets war and peace begets peace, isn't it time for us to ponder what we're fostering? Can we turn a blind eye and let human lives crumble like meaningless statistics?
Each strand of humanity within us demands an unambiguous, unequivocal, and urgent termination of this prolonged conflict and the atrocities associated with it. A ceasefire isn't a presence of peace but the absence of open war. Yet, it’s the first step towards ensuring that lives are saved, homes aren't demolished, and children can sleep without the fear of never waking up. Your voice, your word, your action can echo in the halls of power. It's a plea, from a heart that bleeds for its brethren, for instant and steadfast action; essentially for the abolition of crimes against humanity.