  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Release Matt Gaetz ethics investigation findings before AG confirmation

To: Rep. Doggett

From: A constituent in Austin, TX

November 18

The ongoing ethics investigation into Congressman Matt Gaetz by the House Ethics Committee raises significant concerns about his suitability to serve as Attorney General. As evidenced by this NBC News report, there are troubling allegations regarding potential sexual misconduct, illicit drug use, improper gifts, obstruction, and other unethical behavior. While the details remain unclear due to Gaetz's resignation from Congress prior to the report's release, the American people deserve full transparency regarding any individual nominated for such a powerful position overseeing the nation's justice system. Given the gravity of the ethics allegations and the central role of public trust in the Office of the Attorney General, I urge you to take all necessary steps to ensure the complete findings of the House Ethics Committee's investigation into Matt Gaetz are made publicly available. The vetting process for this critical nomination must be comprehensive and leave no stone unturned. Releasing the ethics report would allow for thorough scrutiny and an informed debate over Gaetz's fitness for this office. Transparency and accountability must be paramount considerations. The integrity of the Department of Justice and the fair administration of justice for all Americans hinges on appointing an Attorney General of unimpeachable character and ethical standing. Making the Gaetz ethics report public is essential to accomplishing that objective.

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