  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Cantwell, Sen. Murray

From: A verified voter in Freeland, WA

December 27, 2024

This nomination represents a serious threat to public education and the futures of our students. Linda McMahon has no relevant experience or qualifications to lead the Department of Education. Her sole agenda appears to be expanding private school voucher programs that drain resources away from public schools serving the vast majority of American students. This would be incredibly damaging, particularly for students with disabilities and from lower-income communities who rely on public schools and specialized services. Furthermore, McMahon's ties to the Trump administration raise concerns that she will merely serve as a rubber stamp for their extremist policies aimed at dismantling the Department of Education altogether. For the sake of protecting quality public education for all students, I urge you to vigorously oppose McMahon's nomination and reject any efforts to privatize our public school system or undermine the essential role of the federal Department of Education. Our children's futures depend on legislators standing up to these destructive policy proposals and ensuring we have qualified, student-focused leadership for public education in this country. We simply cannot afford to let this unqualified nominee advance an agenda that would devastate public schools.

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