  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

Protect the USPS!

To: Sen. Cantwell, Rep. Newhouse, Sen. Murray

From: A constituent in Kennewick, WA

December 20, 2024

The United States Postal Service (USPS) plays a vital role in serving the public interest and ensuring affordable, reliable mail delivery nationwide. Privatizing this essential service would undermine its core mission and jeopardize the rights of millions of Americans. The USPS is a constitutionally mandated entity, and privatization would raise significant legal concerns regarding Congress' authority to regulate postal operations. Private companies lack the capacity to manage the immense scale and reach of the USPS network, which handles over 142 billion pieces annually across 147 million delivery points. Privatization would prioritize profits over public service, likely leading to increased rates, reduced accessibility for rural and underserved communities, and the potential erosion of good-paying jobs that have provided economic mobility for many. The USPS's vast physical and intellectual assets represent public property that could be undervalued in a privatization deal, depriving taxpayers of their fair share. Moreover, a private entity controlling the nation's mail delivery would raise alarming privacy concerns, enabling the exploitation of sensitive data about individuals' communications and transactions. Rather than pursuing privatization, efforts should focus on addressing the misguided policies that have hindered the USPS's financial stability while preserving its vital role as a constitutionally protected public service.

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