  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Albany, CA

May 8

Time for some truth telling about immigration! I myself am an immigrant, the daughter of refugees who had to flee Germany in the 1930’s. Immigrants are US citizens, some have TPS, or some other visa and some remain undocumented because of our absurd, cumbersome and likely illegal immigration and asylum laws. Immigrants constitute a large part of our workforce. And yet your administration has continued to criminalize immigration, providing money for enforcement, detention and deportation. Because of your policies, the gangs and cartels are making huge profits from trafficking people. Let me introduce you to Floricel who has lived and worked very hard in this country for more than 20 years, raised her family of three, one of whom is disabled. Her husband was deported 10 years ago, leaving her as sole support of her children. She is an outstanding community supporter for many immigrant families and yet ICE is threatening to deport her. What for? And who will then take care of her children? Immigration should be a critical component of your reelection strategy by holding up all the incredible energy, strength, hard work and vitality they bring to our communities and our country. Why are you continuing to criminalize and allow them to be vilified? Please use your power and the resources available for good, for the improvement of communities not their destruction.

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