  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Balanced approach needed for hostage relief, civil liberties safeguards

To: Rep. Eshoo

From: A constituent in Campbell, CA

November 13

The proposed legislation, H.R. 9495 - Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act, would provide relief to Americans wrongfully detained abroad by postponing tax deadlines and reimbursing penalties during their detention. However, it also seeks to terminate the tax-exempt status of organizations deemed by the Secretary of the Treasury as providing material support to terrorist groups. While supporting Americans held hostage is laudable, terminating the tax-exempt status of certain organizations raises concerns about potential infringement on civil liberties and due process. After weighing the provisions, I oppose this bill as currently written due to the lack of robust oversight and judicial review mechanisms for designating organizations as "terrorist supporting."

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