- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: Pres. Biden
From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA
August 28
With my heart booming against my ribs, desperately pounding for peace, a ceasefire, and justice, I write this plea. As an ordinary man, a citizen of this shared Earth, the violence and bloodshed that befalls the people of Palestine is not just a distant news headline, but a palpable reality that pierces the soul. With urgency, I demand an abolition - an end to financial support for forces that perpetuate violence against the innocent. Our responsibility cannot be shirked or wrapped in layers of diplomatic rhetoric. Simply put, U.S. funding that assists Israel's military actions against Palestinian civilians is a chilling endorsement of crimes against humanity - a reality which we should find unbearable. How is it that in this day and age, where progress in science and technology is celebrated, where voices in favor of equality and justice rise against oppressive winds, we continue to fund the instruments of conflict? The sending of arms to Israel, facilitating the relentless attack on Palestinian civilians, paradoxically undermines the peace we so boldly claim to champion. Each weapon sent does not restore peace, but fuels continual unrest, fear, and destruction. This funding does not stand for justice. It does not serve as an emblem of freedom, but rather stains our collective conscience with the sinister hue of oppression. Understand the magnitude of urgency; this is not an appeal based on the difference in ideologies, territories or religion, but a stark plea that emphasizes our shared humanity. The time has come to fundamentally reevaluate and change our positions that propagate violence. Let us strive for, demand, and enforce a ceasefire, ensuring that peace is not merely a concept to be preached, but an actuality to be reaped by all. This is not merely a political matter; it is a humanitarian one. The cries from Palestine reach us all. Thus, the decision to stop funding arms is not just a decision for peace in Palestine, but a resolution for humanity. Let us not be bystanders to humanity's plight, let us be the difference. I write this not as a distant observer, but an anguished voice among millions, imploring for change, and ceaselessly hoping for peace.
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