  1. United States
  2. Ind.
  3. Letter

Confirm Biden's judicial nominees without obstruction

To: Sen. Braun, Sen. Young

From: A constituent in Connersville, IN

August 16

Given President Biden's constitutional authority to nominate federal judges, the Senate has a solemn duty to seriously consider and act upon these nominations expeditiously. Concerns about the President's mental well-being appear unfounded, and questioning his ability to execute this vital responsibility is an affront to our democratic process. The President undoubtedly has the nation's best interests at heart in these lifetime appointments shaping the judiciary for generations. Senators must respect institutional norms by properly vetting nominees through rigorous scrutiny while ultimately fulfilling their advice and consent role as intended. Delaying or obstructing the confirmation process disregards constitutional principles and undermines judicial integrity. The Senate must honor the President's constitutional prerogatives and ensure a fully functioning, independent federal bench by thoughtfully but decisively acting on his judicial nominations.

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