  1. United States
  2. Nev.
  3. Letter

Support for Judiciary Act of 2023 and Police Demilitarization Bill

To: Sen. Rosen, Rep. Amodei, Sen. Cortez Masto

From: A verified voter in Silver Springs, NV

July 11

The Judiciary Act of 2023, H.R. 3422, proposes an increase in the number of Supreme Court associate justices from eight to twelve. This change could foster a more diverse and representative judiciary, reflecting the broad spectrum of perspectives in our society. Additionally, H.R. 926, which seeks to demilitarize the police, aligns with the need for comprehensive law enforcement reform. Both bills are crucial steps towards a more equitable justice system. Therefore, it is urged that these bills be supported and passed, to ensure a judiciary that mirrors the diversity of our nation and a law enforcement system that prioritizes community safety over militaristic tactics. The passage of these bills would signify a commitment to justice reform and societal equity.

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