Oppose HB 171 (Display of Ten Commandments)
  1. United States
  2. La.
  3. Letter

Oppose HB 171 (Display of Ten Commandments)

To: Gov. Landry, Sen. Foil, Rep. Davis

From: A verified voter in Baton Rouge, LA

April 13

I am writing to express my strong opposition to House Bill 171, which would require the display of the Ten Commandments in all public school classrooms in Louisiana. I am appalled that the House has already approved such an unconstitutional bill. So I am hoping that the Senate will recognize the certain legal and moral risks of this bill if it is allowed to go forward. As a constituent from Baton Rouge, I believe this bill is a clear violation of the separation of church and state and will only serve to divide our community and exclude students of diverse religious and non-religious backgrounds. The Ten Commandments are a central tenet of the Christian faith, and forcing their display in public schools goes against the principles of religious freedom and equal protection under the law. This bill would make many students feel like outsiders in their own schools, undermining the inclusive and welcoming environment that should be fostered in our educational institutions. Moreover, legal experts have already indicated that this bill is likely unconstitutional and will face immediate legal challenges if enacted. Passing such a clearly problematic law would only waste taxpayer money on costly litigation that the state is unlikely to win. I urge you to oppose HB 171 and instead focus on policies that will truly benefit Louisiana's students, such as improving educational resources, supporting teachers, and ensuring all children have access to a high-quality public education regardless of their religious beliefs. Our schools should be places of learning, growth and inclusion, not venues for government-sponsored religious displays.

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