  1. United States
  2. Va.
  3. Letter

Preserve non-profits' rights, strike HR 9495 Section 4

To: Sen. Kaine, Rep. Wexton, Sen. Warner

From: A constituent in Ashburn, VA

November 19

I urge opposition to Section 4 of H.R. 9495, which would allow the IRS to unilaterally revoke the tax-exempt status of organizations deemed "terrorist supporting organizations." This provision raises significant due process concerns by enabling the arbitrary revocation of tax-exemption without judicial review. Organizations would have limited ability to challenge such designations, undermining constitutionally protected rights. Furthermore, Section 4 relies on an overly broad definition of "material support" that risks penalizing legitimate humanitarian, peacebuilding and human rights organizations working in conflict zones. The vague language could inadvertently restrict vital civil society efforts and chill protected speech and association. Rather than advance security, this approach could prove counterproductive by driving humanitarian work underground. While the intent to disrupt terror financing is laudable, this provision is unnecessary given existing laws criminalizing such conduct. Section 4 constitutes an extraordinary overreach that would centralize immense power in the IRS, jeopardize due process, and impede constructive conflict resolution efforts. I urge either voting against the full bill or amending it to strike Section 4 to uphold civil liberties and protect the vital role of non-profits.

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